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//! `panic!()` expands to:
//! ```ignore
//! fn panic_cold_explicit() -> ! {
//! core::panicking::panic_explicit()
//! }
//! panic_cold_explicit()
//! ```
//! Which defines a new function each time. This pass recognizes these functions and replaces calls
//! to them by a `Panic` terminator.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use super::{ctx::UllbcPass, TransformCtx};
use crate::{builtins, names::Name, ullbc_ast::*};
pub struct Transform;
impl UllbcPass for Transform {
fn transform_ctx(&self, ctx: &mut TransformCtx) {
// Collect the functions that were generated by the `panic!` macro.
let mut panic_fns = HashSet::new();
ctx.for_each_fun_decl(|_ctx, decl| {
if let Ok(body) = &mut decl.body {
let body = body.as_unstructured().unwrap();
// If the whole body is only a call to this specific panic function.
if body.body.elem_count() == 1
&& let Some(block) = body.body.iter().next()
&& block.statements.is_empty()
&& let RawTerminator::Abort(AbortKind::Panic(name)) = &block.terminator.content
if name.equals_ref_name(builtins::EXPLICIT_PANIC_NAME) {
// FIXME: also check that the name of the function is
// `panic_cold_explicit`?
let panic_name = Name::from_path(builtins::EXPLICIT_PANIC_NAME);
let panic_terminator = RawTerminator::Abort(AbortKind::Panic(panic_name));
// Replace each call to one such function with a `Panic`.
ctx.for_each_fun_decl(|_ctx, decl| {
if let Ok(body) = &mut decl.body {
let body = body.as_unstructured_mut().unwrap();
for block_id in body.body.all_indices() {
let Some(block) = body.body.get_mut(block_id) else {
for i in 0..block.statements.len() {
let st = &block.statements[i];
if let RawStatement::Call(Call {
FnOperand::Regular(FnPtr {
func: FunIdOrTraitMethodRef::Fun(FunId::Regular(fun_id)),
}) = &st.content
&& panic_fns.contains(fun_id)
block.terminator.content = panic_terminator.clone();
// Remove these functions from the context.
for id in &panic_fns {