//! Take all the comments found in the original body and assign them to statements.
use std::mem;
use crate::llbc_ast::*;
use crate::transform::TransformCtx;
use super::ctx::LlbcPass;
pub struct Transform;
impl LlbcPass for Transform {
fn transform_body(&self, _ctx: &mut TransformCtx, b: &mut ExprBody) {
// Constraints in the ideal case:
// - each comment should be assigned to exactly one statement;
// - the order of comments in the source should refine the partial order of control flow;
// - a comment should come before the statement it was applied to.
// This is a pretty simple heuristic which is good enough for now.
let mut comments: Vec<(usize, Vec<String>)> = b.comments.clone();
b.body.visit_statements(|st: &mut Statement| {
let st_line = st.span.span.beg.line;
comments = mem::take(&mut comments)
.filter_map(|(line, comments)| {
if line <= st_line {
} else {
Some((line, comments))