//! Update the block indices to make sure they are consecutive
use std::mem;
use crate::ids::*;
use crate::transform::TransformCtx;
use crate::ullbc_ast::*;
use super::ctx::UllbcPass;
pub struct Transform;
impl UllbcPass for Transform {
fn transform_body(&self, _ctx: &mut TransformCtx, b: &mut ExprBody) {
// Push each block into a new vector to make it consecutive and return the map from old to
// new ids.
let id_map: Vector<BlockId, BlockId> =
mem::take(&mut b.body).map(|block| b.body.push(block));
// Update the ids.
.dyn_visit_in_body_mut(|id: &mut BlockId| *id = id_map[*id]);