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//! # Micro-pass: the first local variable of closures is (a borrow to) the closure itself. This is
//! not consistent with the closure signature, which represents the captured state as a tuple. This
//! micro-pass updates this.
use crate::ids::Vector;
use crate::transform::TransformCtx;
use crate::ullbc_ast::*;
use derive_generic_visitor::{Continue, ControlFlow, Visitor};
use super::ctx::UllbcPass;
struct InsertRegions<'a> {
regions: &'a mut Vector<RegionId, RegionVar>,
// The number of region groups we dived into (we don't count the regions
// at the declaration level). We use this for the DeBruijn indices.
depth: usize,
impl VisitAstMut for InsertRegions<'_> {
fn exit_region(&mut self, r: &mut Region) {
if r == &Region::Erased {
// Insert a fresh region
let index = self
.push_with(|index| RegionVar { index, name: None });
*r = Region::Var(DeBruijnVar::bound(DeBruijnId::new(self.depth), index));
fn visit_region_binder<T: AstVisitable>(
&mut self,
x: &mut RegionBinder<T>,
) -> ControlFlow<Self::Break> {
self.depth += 1;
self.depth -= 1;
fn transform_function(_ctx: &TransformCtx, def: &mut FunDecl) -> Result<(), Error> {
let FunSig {
} = &mut def.signature;
if let Some(info) = closure_info {
// Explore the state and introduce fresh regions for the erased regions we find.
let mut visitor = InsertRegions {
regions: &mut generics.regions,
depth: 0,
inputs[0].drive_mut(&mut visitor);
// Update the body.
// We change the type of the local variable of index 1, which is a reference to the closure
// itself, so that it has the type of (a reference to) the state of the closure.
// For instance, in the example below:
// ```text
// pub fn test_closure_capture(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
// let f = &|z| x + y + z;
// (f)(0)
// }
// ```
// The first local variable in the body of the closure has type:
// `&'_ (fn(u32) -> u32)`
// We change it to:
// ```
// &'_ (&u32, &u32)
// ```
// We also update the corresponding field accesses in the body of
// the function.
if let Ok(body) = &mut def.body {
let body = body.as_unstructured_mut().unwrap();
// Update the type of the local 1 (which is the closure)
assert!(body.locals.vars.elem_count() > 1);
let state_var = &mut body.locals.vars[1];
state_var.ty = inputs[0].clone(); = Some("state".to_string());
// Update the body, and in particular the accesses to the states
// TODO: translate to ADT field access
// TODO: handle directly during translation
let num_fields = info.state.elem_count();
body.body.dyn_visit_in_body_mut(|pe: &mut ProjectionElem| {
if let ProjectionElem::Field(pk @ FieldProjKind::ClosureState, _) = pe {
*pk = FieldProjKind::Tuple(num_fields);
} else {
pub struct Transform;
impl UllbcPass for Transform {
fn transform_function(&self, ctx: &mut TransformCtx, def: &mut FunDecl) {
// Ignore the errors, which should have been reported
let _ = transform_function(ctx, def);